Spirit of WE


Center for Heartfulness


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Spirit of WE


In the sea of Oneness all personal, societal and planetary changes emerge from and are integrated by spiritual consciousness — the source of all peace and heartfulness. We need to bring deep solutions — spiritual answers — to our most entrenched problems.


Spirit of WE is a blueprint for how to step onto that new path, starting now. This platform is a spiritual appeal to look together at the challenges we face and understand how each one of us can make meaningful changes for the benefit of all.


We can no longer afford to pretend someone else will have the solution, but there is a real, achievable way to move humanity onto a new, better and more sustainable path. We hope someone else is working on the solutions. This platform is an invitation to all of us to step up
and be that someone.

Imprint • © 2016 Center for HeartfulnessTM

Center for Heartfulness


Dedicated to the support and furtherance of Heartfulness Training® which is a body centered approach to embrace a deep feeling of an open heart.

Get In Touch






Imprint •  Datenschutz  •  © 2019 Center for Heartfulness®


12a Ch. Mouskou Street

8280 Paphos / Cyprus

